Upload Profiles page.

This page displays all the profiles which you created while uplaoding your Shopify products to Etsy. Reviewing and configuring your upload settings correctly is crucial for seamless synchronization between Shopify and Etsy.

  1. Let's learn about all the sections on this page:

  • Search Profile by Title: This feature enables users to efficiently locate a particular profile by entering its title in the search bar.

  • Sort Products: Profiles can be organized based on the title or the creation date. Sorting can be performed in ascending or descending order, enabling efficient management and navigation through the profiles.


  • The table on the Profiles page includes the following elements:
    • Title: The name of the profile.
    • Shopify Collections: Indicates whether products were uploaded as part of a collection from Shopify.
    • Etsy Category: The category under which the products were uploaded from Shopify to Etsy.
    • Number of Products: Displays the total number of products available in that profile.
    • Action Buttons:
      • View: This option help you to view all products within a specific profile.
      • Edit: This enables you to edit the details of the profiles.
      • Delete: Let you delete profiles from the list.


By clicking on the View button, you will be able to see all the Shopify products that have been uploaded to that profile. If any errors are present, you can resolve those product errors within Shopify and then re-upload the products directly from the profile.

The profiles are categorized into the following sections to assist you in managing your products:

  • Active: Products that are currently available on Etsy.

  • Draft: Products are in draft status and not yet live on Etsy.

  • Inactive: Products that are inactive and not visible on Etsy.

  • Failed: Products that failed to upload to Etsy.


To modify a profile, please click on the Edit button located next to the profile you intend to edit. Proceed to make the required adjustments to the profile information, and remember to save your changes.

This process will commence the re-upload process and update the configuration you have modified.


To delete a profile, click the Delete button. Subsequently, a confirmation pop-up will be displayed, presenting two options. Proceed by clicking on Confirm to finalize the deletion process, thereby removing the profile from the list.

Please note: Deleting the profile will not delete the products from either Shopify or Etsy.

However, if you have added the advanced command in the profile, it will stop working as the profile is the connection between Shopify and Etsy.

Furthermore, adding new products to an already uploaded collection will disrupt the automated product uploading process, as the profile acts as an intermediary.

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