Etsy products page.

This page will display the products which are available on Etsy.

  1. Let's learn about all the sections on this page:

  • All: This section includes all the products available on Etsy.

  • Linked Products: This section lists the products that are linked between Shopify and Etsy. There are a few criteria to be listed in this section:

    • Linked products have the same titles and SKUs.
    • If a single product with no variations has different titles but the same SKU, it will be displayed in this section.
    • For the variations products (e.g., size and color), the variation count, variation product titles, and SKUs must be the same and will be listed here.

Important Note: If overwrite settings are enabled for the linked products section listings, any changes made in Shopify will also appear on Etsy.

  • Linked SKU: Below are the criteria that will be listed in this section:
    • For variation products that do not have an equal number of variant options, such as size and color, between Shopify and Etsy but are linked based on SKUs.
    • For the single products that have shared SKUs in Etsy and only one product is linked with Shopify, the other products that cannot be linked will be listed here. The order and inventory will be synced for these products based on SKUs.

  • Imported in Shopify: This section displays products that have been imported from Etsy to Shopify.

  • Not Linked: This section lists products that are only available on Etsy and not on Shopify.

  • Needs Attention: This section includes any products that encountered errors during the upload process from Shopify to Etsy and those that are not able to update between Shopify and Etsy.

  1. Search and Filter

  • Search: You can search for products by title or SKU, making it easy to locate specific items in your inventory quickly. This is particularly useful if you have a large number of products and need to find one quickly without browsing through multiple pages.

  • Filter by Etsy State: Below the search bar, there are drop-down menus that allow you to filter products by 'Etsy state' options: active, draft, inactive, and sold out. This functionality helps you easily manage the visibility and status of your products on Etsy, ensuring that you can quickly locate and update products based on their current state.

  • Filter per Page: This drop-down filter allows you to manage the number of products presented per page, offering selections for 10, 25, or 50 products. This functionality empowers you to personalize your display, enhancing your efficiency for inventories of various sizes.

  1. Sort:

A sort button will help you to arrange your products into title or created.

  • Sorting by title arranges your products alphabetically, which is useful for verifying that all items are correctly named and organized.
  • Sorting by the created date displays the products based on their creation date. This allows you to see the newest or oldest products first, making it easier to track recent additions or manage older inventory.

  1. Syncing Etsy Products

By default, updates made on Etsy will not automatically synchronize with our application. To ensure all the modifications made on Etsy are reflected in our app, utilize the Sync Etsy Products button. All recent updates made on Etsy will be fetched and synced with our application by clicking on this button.

  • Sync Etsy Products button: In order to synchronize all products from Etsy to our application, please click on this button. This action will trigger a process to retrieve your Etsy products and recent updates and synchronize them with our application.

  • Loading Process: During the synchronization process, a loading page will be displayed with the message "Please wait while we retrieve your Etsy products for the application". The duration of this process varies based on the number of products being synchronized.

  • Confirmation Message: Upon completing the synchronization process, you will be promptly notified with a confirmation message indicating that your Etsy products have been successfully retrieved and synchronized in our application.

  • View Etsy Products: After synchronizing, you will find a button labeled 'View Etsy Products'. Please click on this button to access the Etsy product page within our application.

  1. Importing Products

To import products from Etsy to Shopify, please navigate to the Not Linked section in order to view all Etsy products that have not been linked or imported to Shopify.

  • Importing Individually:

To import a single product, click the 'Import to Shopify' button located next to the product details.

  • Importing Multiple Products:

To import multiple products:

  1. Tick the boxes next to the product names and images.
  2. Click the 'Import Products to Shopify' button on the screen's right side.


To manually link products from Etsy to Shopify, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the Not Linked section and find the Etsy product you want to link to Shopify. Click the Link button next to the product. This action will redirect you to a new page.

  • Search and Select Shopify Product: You can search for Shopify products by title and SKU on the linked page. Select the Shopify product that matches the Etsy product. The title and SKUs will be displayed for comparison. Tick the box confirming your choice.

  • Link Now: After confirming your selection, please click the "Link Now" button to connect the Etsy product to the chosen Shopify product.

  • Linking Variation Products to Shopify: When linking variations of products, it is crucial to verify that the variations count on Etsy matches exactly with those on Shopify.

That's it! If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team. Happy selling!

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